Back when Burda revamped their website a few month ago, a bunch of their free pattern downloads disappeared from the German website (which had always had more free downloads than the English one). I read on a German sewing discussion board that Burda was planning on discontinuing free pattern downloads altogether. Sad!

Well, it looks like things have changed! Burda has been releasing a few free patterns for download from the magazine (appears to be at a rate of about once a month thus far) as a “Perwoll-Wohlfühl-Look,” which I’ll translate (perhaps incorrectly) as “Perwoll Comfort Look,” with Perwoll apparently being a detergent brand. Any detergent that sponsors free sewing pattern downloads is cool in my book. I bet it keeps your whites whiter and your colors brighter too. 

Look at the gorgeous pattern that’s now available for download (this one is from the May 2009 issue):

I’ve seen this one made up a bunch of times and it’s gorgeous. And if you didn’t happen to buy the 5.2009 issue, well, it’s your lucky day! And yes, since you’re probably wondering, the instructions are in German.  But surely with so many blog posts written about this pattern, you can piece it together, right? :)

There are a couple more cute freebies (not really my style, but could look great on you!):


You can find all of the downloads here. Have fun and here’s hoping for more great Burda freebies in the future!