Nope, no time to sew. Haven’t sewn a stitch in many many days. Heading off to Washington D.C. this afternoon for top secret government shenanigans. The closest I’ve even gotten to sewing in the last week is taking an occasional break to hunt for patterns on Ebay which I will not buy because I have more patterns than I could possibly ever sew up in my lifetime. That and most of them would be too bustacular for me. But you should seriously consider this for a perfect summer dress (B34):

Or this insanely elegant ensemble (B31) for your next evening out or stint as a wedding guest.  Sigh.  I love that tulip-y lapped skirt. So much so that I seriously considered not telling you about this one so I could snag it myself.

Or how about this confection of lace and pleats and drapes (B34)?  (Obviously there was some sort of misprint since this should have been done up in midnight blue rather than lipstick red.  Don’t get me wrong, I like lipstick red, but not so much for lace):

And finally, the covet of all covets, this gorgeous evening gown with overskirt (B34). Oh, how I adore an evening gown done up in an elegant print:

They’re all going for about $5-$7 (though I think that last one may have gotten some bids which pushed it higher) and ending within the next 5 days or so, so go forth and stalk them. You know you want to.

Come on, you didn’t think I was going to leave without giving you a another reason to resent me, did you? It’ll probably be quiet here for the next few days, so take advantage of that time to write scathing and hateful comments for me. They will only make me grow more powerful.